Uyeda, Jensen Yoshihide2016-03-092016-03-092011-05 University of Hawaii at Manoa 2011.Includes bibliographical references.The experiment described in this manuscript examines the relationships between five irrigation drip rates based on reference evapotranspiration (ET0) replaced, and the yield and quality of three commercial taro varieties including 'Bun long', 'Lehua', and 'Pa'akala'. The yield factors analyzed include fresh weight, leaf area, and cormel count and the quality factors analyzed included dry matter content, specific gravity and total soluble solids. The results indicate that applying the equivalent of 150% ET0 through irrigation in a heavy clay soil may be sufficient at maximizing yields for 'Bun long' and 'Pa'akala.' However, applying irrigation up to 250% ET0 to a wetland cultivar such as 'Lehua' did not result in increased yields comparable to flooded systems. It also indicates that irrigation has minimal effect on any of the quality factors. In addition, the data validates rapid non-destructive models to estimate leaf area without detrimental effects on other yield factors.engspecific gravityEvaluation of irrigation regimes on yield and quality of three cultivars of taro (colocasia esculenta)Thesis