Pearson, RossFraser, HannahBush, MartinMody, FallonWidjaja, IvoHead, AndyWilkinson, David PeterSinnott, RichardWintle, BonnieBurgman, MarkFidler, FionaVesk, Peter2020-12-242020-12-242021-01-05978-0-9981331-4-0 recent years there has been increased interest in replicating prior research. One of the biggest challenges to assessing replicability is the cost in resources and time that it takes to repeat studies. Thus there is an impetus to develop rapid elicitation protocols that can, in a practical manner, estimate the likelihood that research findings will successfully replicate. We employ a novel implementation of the IDEA (‘Investigate’, ‘Discuss’, ‘Estimate’ and ‘Aggregate) protocol, realised through the repliCATS platform. The repliCATS platform is designed to scalably elicit expert opinion about replicability of social and behavioural science research. The IDEA protocol provides a structured methodology for eliciting judgements and reasoning from groups. This paper describes the repliCATS platform as a multi-user cloud-based software platform featuring (1) a technical implementation of the IDEA protocol for eliciting expert opinion on research replicability, (2) capture of consent and demographic data, (3) on-line training on replication concepts, and (4) exporting of completed judgements. The platform has, to date, evaluated 3432 social and behavioural science research claims from 637 participants.10 pagesEnglishAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDesign, Development, and Evaluation of Collaboration Technologiesexpert elicitationdelphi processidea protocolreplicabilityEliciting group judgements about replicability: a technical implementation of the IDEA Protocol10.24251/HICSS.2021.055