Hsu, PeterMasuo, DianeFong, GraceYanagida, John2009-09-112009-09-112008-08Hsu P, Masuo D, Fong G, Yanagida J. 2008. A comparison of Hawai'i and national home-based family businesses. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 6 p. (Entrepreneur's Toolbox; ET-8).http://hdl.handle.net/10125/12209Hawaii home-based businesses were revealed to differ substantially from those on the U.S. mainland. Degree of education was well correlated with business success. Profitability was related to work in the service and construction industries rather than agriculture, although Hawaii farmers have an opportunity to capitalize on a growing niche market of consumers who are choosing to buy local over imported produce because of their preference for food that they believe is of high quality and safe.6 pagesen-UShome-based businessesHawaiiA Comparison of Hawai'i and National Home-Based Family BusinessesArticle