Wynne, Michael J.2009-02-232009-02-231970-10Wynne MJ. 1970. Marine algae of Amchitka Island (Aleutian Islands). II. Bonnemaisoniaceae. Pac Sci 24(4): 433-438.0030-8870http://hdl.handle.net/10125/6116Pleuroblepharis stichidophora gen. et sp. nov., from Amchitka Island in the Aleutian Island s, is described as new to science. This taxon is the only representative of the Bonnemaisoniaceae (Nemaliales, Rhodophyta) collected at Amchitka. It is distinguished from other members of the family by the presence of macroscopic tetrasporophytes with compound tetrasporangial stichidia arising along the margins of laminate axes. These tetrasporic branchlets are homologous to indeterminate branches. Gland cells with brownish contents are present over the surface of the laminate axes and also on the stichidia . Although numerous specimens have been collected, tetrasporic plants are the only fertile stages observed so far.en-USMarine Algae of Amchitka Island (Aleutian Islands). II. BonnemaisoniaceaeArticle