Place-based WAC/WID Hui2015-12-022015-12-022014-11-212015Zaleski, Halina. 'Instructor interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Animal Science, clip 6 of 12.' Interview with Jim Henry. Scholarspace. Sep. 2015. Web. item includes a segment of an instructor interview in a Writing Intensive course in Animal Science at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The interview was conducted in 2014, and in this clip the interviewee is responding to the question 'How do you view the results of your course design(s)?'Brief excerpt from interview: I have two observations: One, I was very pleasantly surprised at how much the farmers gained from the course; I was also very happy that everything worked... I think the students [and the farmers] taught each other... more than I could have taught them... I learned a lot more, and I was able to present... the interconnection between outreach work ... and instruction.Duration: 00:01:31Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statesplace-based writingwriting across the curriculumwriting in the disciplinesWriting Intensive coursesscholarship of teaching and learningwriting pedagogygeneral education requirementssocializationkind of learningeducational contextoutreachexperiential learningcooperative learningteamworkInstructor interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Animal Science, clip 6 of 12Interview