Gentry, TrevorWall, MarisaNagao, Mike2008-09-112008-09-112005-07Gentry T, Wall M, Nagao M. 2005. A rapid method for on-farm quality evaluation of macadamia nuts. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 4 p. (Fruits and Nuts; FN-11a) nut processors routinely sample nuts received from a grower to determine the moisture content and quality of a lot. Commonly, the price paid to the grower is based on this quality evaluation. Growers can conduct a preliminary on-farm quality evaluation of their crop using the simple, rapid drying method outlined in this publication.4 pagesen-USfood analysisMacadamiamacadamia nutsnut productsA Rapid Method for On-Farm Quality Evaluation of Macadamia NutsOther