Yamamoto, Yoko2011-04-012011-04-012010http://hdl.handle.net/10125/19887Open Access Development Projects: A Structure for the Israeli Journal of Aquaculture (IJA) Yoko Yamamoto, Master’s Candidate, Library & Information Science, UH Mānoa 1. How people used to find IJA; Disadvantages with ATPLogic: Cost of ATPLogic servers; Lack of ATPLogic security; Cost of developing ATPLogic interface; Old technology; Lack of interaction with other www social networking community. 2. How people could find the IJA now; Advantages of DSpace/eVols: eVols runs on the open source software DSpace, supported by MIT and HP; Free permanent hosting of IJA at eVols under auspices of University of Hawaii; Can outsource to UH Aquaculture team: ATPLogic online interaction, Further development of interface; Embedding IJA in active online community will promote article exposure and discussion. 3. How people could find the IJA in the future; Summary: Existing unreliable & insecure solution replaced with stable, secure alternative; Boost in exposure and activity of journal. eVols/DSpace vs ATP Logic?Open source software.Open source software--Library applications.Online social networks.Open Access Development Projects: A Structure for the Israeli Journal of Aquaculture (IJA)Image