Crampton, A.2015-11-092015-11-092015-10Crampton, A. (2015). Decolonizing Social Work “Best Practices” through a Philosophy of Impermanence. Journal of Indigenous Social Development, 4(1).2164-9170 the book, Decolonizing Social Work, a common theme is how decolonization requires more than surface level change. In social work, changing theories and intervention practices will not bring true transformation without attending to underlying western beliefs that perpetuate problems. This essay uses Shawn Wilson’s metaphor of an island to identify one such belief, explain how it is damaging to social work practice, and propose an alternative (Wilson, 2013). I first explain this alternative through a story of successful decolonization of sacred practices by the Zuni people. I then apply lessons learned from this story to the social work concepts of best practices and evidence-based practice. My overall argument is that these concepts can have destructive effects when informed by a belief in permanence, and that these concepts are better realized through an underlying philosophy of impermanence.11 pagesbest practices, evidence based practice, indigenous philosophies, social work education, social work decolonizationIndigenous peoples--Periodicals.Social work with indigenous peoples--Periodicals.Decolonizing Social Work “Best Practices” through a Philosophy of ImpermanenceArticle