Yao, Tao-chung2012-08-072012-08-072006-05Yao T. 2006. (Comparing the HSK test with the AP Chinese test). 汉语教学季刊: 386-391.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/23464HSK is the most widely used standard Chinese language examination in the world for measuring non-native speakers' language skills in Mandarin. AP Chinese, which was given on May 9 for the first time, is a standard test in the United States for college-bound students to demonstrate their language. This paper will compare the two exams in the following areas: purposes of the exams, target populations, formats of the exams, and content areas of the exams.6 pageszhAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States汉语水平考试与AP中文测试的比较Comparing the HSK test with the AP Chinese testArticle