Ogawa, DennisTanaka, Gay2014-01-152014-01-152014-01-15http://hdl.handle.net/10125/32230There is a new breed of imgrmiants leaving Japan to settle in Hawaii. These "Shin-Issei" or "new frrst generation" are superficially different from the Original Issei who left a poor, primarily agricultural Japan. The nation the Shin-Issei leave is rich and its people well-educated. Instead of coming as poor laborers, many are salaried employees or businessmen. A fair number of immigrants are women and children. Although these Shin-Issei are from the same geographic location as the grandparents of local Americans of Japanese Ancestry (AJAs), it is doubtful that succeeding generations of AJAs feel any sort of kinship or familiarity with these newcomers. The Shin-Issei speak a different language, they dress differently, and even the food they eat is sometimes strange. But on they come, a few hundred a year, buying expensive homes, stafmf g a plethora of Japanese restaurants and hotels, and playing on local golf courses.72 pagesAll UHM Honors Projects are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from this source for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without written permission from the copyright owner.The Shin-Issei: A Brief Look at Modern Japanese Immigrants in HawaiiTerm Project