2024-05-142024-05-142019-06https://hdl.handle.net/10125/108113The demand of air transportation requires high levels of performances from asphalt pavements. Failures of pavements can delay flights, damage airplanes, and require costly expedient repairs. Common failures airport pavements are slippage failures including surface shoving and slippage cracking. Slippage failure is typically caused by either the deterioration of bonding between asphalt layers (delamination) or a lack of shear resistivity within the surface layer asphalt mix. Bonding between asphalt layers can be measured using embedded asphalt strain gages. In 2018, an asphalt strain gage system was installed at Daniel K. Inouye International Airport (HNL), Honolulu, HI. This report details the background of pavement monitoring at HNL, collection and processing of strain data, and analyzes the strain responses collected. Indicators of delamination are identified either through large discrepancies in peak strain experienced in asphalt layers or a low correlation of strain responses from the force of an airplane on the pavement. Data collected for this report is the start of an aggregated comparison to determine performance of installed pavement versus design. Ideally this comparison will take data from installation of overlay layer until replacement. Statistical analysis methods are employed to determine if recordings and calculated amounts are comparable across the time frame of this report. Results of this report are that pavement installed in August of 2018 has indicators of delamination, but is performing as a homogenous well bonded pavement. There are several items noted that require further monitoring and visual inspection. There are recommendations for follow on work under this project.Technical Reporthttp://rightsstatements.org/vocab/InC/1.0/DelaminationAirport PavementHonolulu AirportAsphalt Pavement DistressTransverse Strain GageLongitudinal Strain GageIdentifying Delamination in Airport Pavement at HNL with Embedded Asphalt Strain Gages