Bruder, Mary BethMogro-Wilson, Cristina2018-08-082018-08-082010Bruder, M. B. & Mogro-Wilson, C. (2010). Student and Faculty Awareness and Attitudes about Students with Disabilities. Review of Disability Studies: An International Journal, 6(2).1552-9215 year an increasing number of students with disabilities are graduating from high school and entering into postsecondary education. In an effort to assess the university climate for students with disabilities a survey was conducted on a large Northeastern campus. The survey focused on the attitudes, beliefs, and knowledge of university students and faculty on disability-related issues. Results are presented from undergraduate, graduate, and faculty perspectives. Most students and faculty report positive attitudes and interactions with students with disabilities, however these interactions are often limited and awkward. Disability issues are not often presented in the classroom content and the majority of faculty do not announce the availably of accommodations in the classroom. Implications for postsecondary institutions are explored.enghigher educationfacultydisabilityStudent and Faculty Awareness and Attitudes about Students with DisabilitiesResearch Articles and Essays