Campbell-Meier, Jennifer2008-12-022008-12-022008-12-02 development of an institutional repository (IR) is one of the more complex projects that librarians may undertake. While many librarians have managed large information system projects, IR projects involve a larger stakeholder group and require support from technical services, public services and administration to succeed. A significant increase in the development of repositories is expected with technology and process improvements for digital collection development. This study investigated the development of repositories at doctoral institutions, identifying factors that influence development and best practices using a comparative case study analysis approach to gather and analyze data. A detailed account and analysis of academic institutional repositories was formed providing knowledge of individual IR development as well as a cross case comparison of developmental factors including adoption, motivating factors and perceived benefits. The use of a narrative, project management practices beyond technical development, and the inclusion of the campus community are identified as key factors in development. Best practices and recommendations for future developers, such as early involvement of stakeholder groups and the need to educate both librarians and faculty about open access collections are also discussed. This study contributes to a more informed understanding of the development of IRs and identifies a model framework for future IR developers.228 pagesen-USInstitutional repositoriesLibrariesCase studies on institutional repository development: creating narratives for project management and assessmentThesis