Kawabata, AndreaNakamoto, StuartCurtiss, R.T.2016-06-022016-06-022013-06Kawabata A, Nakamoto S, Curtiss RT. 2013. Recommendations for Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management in Hawaii 2013. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 13p. (Insect Pests Series; IP-31).http://hdl.handle.net/10125/40965This guide contains recommendations on the integrated pest management of the coffee berry borer for farmers. Field sanitation and pre planting through harvesting and shipping.13 pagesen-USCBBworksheetThirty TreesThirty BranchesSummitHCAHCGAHDOAKCGCKCCKCFAKona Young FarmersMCAPalehua CoffeeUSDA PBARCRecommendations for Coffee Berry Borer Integrated Pest Management in Hawaii 2013Other