Place-based WAC/WID Hui2015-12-022015-12-022015-04-102015Mostafanezhad, Mary. 'Instructor interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Geography, clip 10 of 10.' Interview with Jim Henry. Scholarspace. Sep. 2015. Web. item includes a segment of an an instructor interview in a Writing Intensive course in Geography at the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa. The interview was conducted in 2015 and in this clip the interviewee is explaining the logic and flow of course assignments.Brief excerpt from interview: The students [submit] four writing assignments throughout the semester and they correspond to four different sections of the class. The writing assignments are to reflect on the readings and then in many cases to for example look up things online and apply some of the concepts from the readings to for example environmental issues locally and internationally. So a lot of the students take this opportunity to look at local issues using concepts from political ecology or looking at how globalization affects local governments.Duration: 00:04:28Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United Statesplace-based writingwriting across the curriculumwriting in the disciplinesWriting Intensive coursesscholarship of teaching and learningwriting pedagogygeneral education requirementssense of placesocializationkind of learningeducational contextidentitywriting assignmentsreflect on readingsonlineapply conceptslocal environmental issuesglobal environmental issueslocal issuespolitical ecologyglobalizationlocal environmentstania liimplications of capitalismremote villageindonesiapersonal applicationpost-marxist theoryexploitation of laborclass relationspersonal experienceglobal capitalismbook reviewInstructor interview for Place-Based WAC/WID writing instruction in Geography, clip 10 of 10Interview