Brusca, Gary J.2008-03-132008-03-131973-01Brusca GJ. 1973. Pelagic Amphipoda from the waters near Oahu, Hawaii, excluding the family Scinidae. Pac Sci 27(1): 8-27.0030-8870 paper reports a study conducted on pelagic Amphipoda collected from the waters near Oahu, Hawaii. Included here are species accounts for all of the amphipods except the hyperiid family Scinidae. The specimens discussed here represent 35 species belonging to 12 families of gammarid and hyperiid amphipods. Data and remarks on the systematics, vertical distribution and migration, and reproductive activities are presented, together with geographic distributions.en-USAmphipoda -- HawaiiPelagic Amphipoda from the Waters near Oahu, Hawaii, Excluding the Family ScinidaeArticle