Dreyer, SusanneMcteague, ChrisThoring, Katja2024-12-262024-12-262025-01-07978-0-9981331-8-82972b07a-087e-42a6-9e90-96e1c42d66ffhttps://hdl.handle.net/10125/109496Research labs are common in many disciplines but are rarely addressed in Design Science Research (DSR). This paper explores the value and potential of DSR labs and the importance of the research environment in Information Systems (IS) by learning from other DSR-related fields. A multi-case study of 12 DSR-related research labs across Europe was conducted. The study presents common lab setups, a framework, and design principles for future DSR labs, focusing on the lab environment, research methods, and technology-driven and innovative approaches for conducting DSR. It emphasizes the importance of research space as an influential factor in DSR and DSR education. Moreover, it offers strategies and guidance for designing research lab structures that support various phases of the DSR process. The findings are relevant for researchers and practitioners who want to set up a transdisciplinary and technology-driven DSR lab.10Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAdvances in Design Science Researchdesign science research (dsr), physical space, research lab, technology-driven research methods, transdisciplinarityDesign Science Research Labs: A Framework and Design PrinciplesConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2025.648