Lyles, Sheri2013-10-172013-10-172013Lyles, Sheri, "Subtle Bodies." Paper Presented at the Center for South Asian Studies 30th Annual, "Sensing South Asia," Honolulu, April 17-19, 2013 Bodies is an exhibition that is driven by a specific creative process and materials that are used to augment my understanding of the cycle of human desire and its source through the senses. I have integrated principles that are informed by Hindu and yogic principles: non-intention, mindfulness, connectivity, and healing, into my artistic process as a method of research using the discipline of painting. My creative process has become a contemplative practice through my effort to create from a position of artistic non-intention. I use turmeric, India ink, rose water, coconut oil, castor oil, silver tempera, sulfur salt and ash to represent the five elements: earth, water, fire, air and space that constitute the manifest world and the human body according to Vedic cosmology. Their differing qualities cause them to react and respond to each other. These interactions refer to existing binaries and oppositional relationships. I use my sense of touch, smell, and sight to interact with materials, submitting control over to their nature of fluidity, dryness, unctuousness, warmth and coolness. My focused observance of their responses to each other provides insight to the cycle of desire. They parallel the responses I see within myself and others. We unite and we disperse. We organize and then create a state of chaos. We become out of balance with each other and with nature and then we strive forth in our efforts to regain peace, balance and equilibrium. The materiality and aesthetics of my work are used to convey these ideas to the viewer.Lyles, SheriSubtle BodiesConference Paper