Hill, Yao Z.2020-11-022020-11-022020-10-23Hill, Y. (2020, October 23). Efficient strategies for meaningful program learning assessment part I: Data collection [Online workshop]. Assessment and Curriculum Support Center, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa, Honolulu, HI, United States.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/70177In this two-part workshop, program assessment and curriculum leaders will take away strategies to efficiently engage faculty in program learning assessment activities that lead to meaningful reflection and action on program quality. In Part I of the workshop, participants will learn two efficient ways of collecting assessment results through: (1) faculty reflection on student performance and (2) use of existing data. In Part II of the workshop, participants will learn three strategies to engage faculty in collaborative reflection and action on assessment results: (1) organizing assignment charrettes, (2) investigating curriculum pathways using curriculum maps, and (3) generating shared expectations through rubric development. A combination of presentation, reflection, and small group discussions will be used to help participants receive peer feedback and walk away with concrete ideas for manageable and meaningful program learning assessment practice.33 pagesen-USAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United Statesassessmentprogram assessmentlearning assessmentdata collectionEfficient Strategies for Meaningful Program Learning Assessment Part I: Data CollectionPresentation