Messineo, Cristina2008-12-292008-12-292008-12Messineo, Cristina. 2008. Fieldwork and documentation of speech genres in indigenous communities of Gran Chaco: Theoretical and methodological issues. Language Documentation & Conservation 2(2):275–295.1934-5275 paper presents some theoretical and methodological reflections on documenting and analyzing texts gathered from indigenous communities, based on my experiences working with communities in the Gran Chaco region of Argentina. The purpose of this essay is to discuss how the selected fieldwork model, the methods of data collection, the degree of access the researcher has to the material, and the type of relationship that develops between the investigator and the consultants all influence the type and quality of the data. In my experience, a collaborative approach that relates the description of linguistic structures to the study of discourse as verbal art greatly enriches the documentation of endangered languages.engspeech genrediscourseGran ChacoArgentinaFieldwork and Documentation of Speech Genres in Indigenous Communities of Gran Chaco: Theoretical and Methodological IssuesArticle