Soja, EwaSoja, PiotrKolkowska, Ella2022-12-272022-12-272023-01-03978-0-9981331-6-44163b073-64f6-419f-b39a-694529776ed4 order to maximize sustainability of digital services for seniors, the opinions of the main stakeholders and the broader context of independent and healthy ageing should be taken into consideration. Therefore, we applied a Value-focused thinking (VFT) approach to understand values held by seniors in the context of implementation of ICT for independent and healthy ageing. To this end, we conducted interviews with seniors in Poland and Sweden, which are countries with very diverse approaches to digital care services (DCS). Based on the interviews with seniors, we discovered 7 common fundamental objectives and 11 means objectives supporting the fundamental goals with varying understanding depending on a country, which allowed us to discuss the drivers for acceptance and use of DCS for seniors.10engAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDigital Mobile Services for Everyday Lifedigital care serviceelderlypolandswedenvalue-focused thinkingUnderstanding Drivers for Acceptance and Use of Digital Care Services for Seniors: Learning from a Value-Focused Thinking Study in Poland and Swedentext10.24251/HICSS.2023.122