Thomas, C.W.2009-04-142009-04-141966-04Thomas CW. 1966. Vertical circulation off the Ross Ice Shelf. Pac Sci 20(2): 239-245.0030-8870 Ross Ice Shelf is a floating ice mass about 200m thick over an average depth along the barrier of 567 m. In January the prevailing wind blows. from the east, parallel to the coast. The wind current transports the low salinity layer (ca. 50 m) toward the ice shelf, where it must descend. Directly off the barrier we find low salinities to a depth of 150 m. The circulation here is quite similar to that defined by Sverdrup along the shelf ice of Queen Maud Land. Because of sinking of the low salinity layer near the barrier, diatoms live in abundance at subcompensation depths, Trigonium arcticum actually on the sea bed.en-USVertical Circulation Off the Ross Ice ShelfArticle