Fulford, CatherineHorikiri, Yuki2009-04-292009-04-292009-04-29Horikiri, Y. (2009, April 16). Handhelds for music education. PowerPoint presented at the 14th Annual Technology, Colleges, and Community Worldwide Online Conference.http://hdl.handle.net/10125/7978This paper is for a master’s project entitled “ Handhelds for Music Education” for the Educational Technology Department at The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. The paper was submitted to the TCC (Technology, College, Community) Conference, a worldwide online conference, in fulfillment for a master’s degree in Educational Technology at The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. The presentation PowerPoint file was submitted to the TCC Conference to be used for the presentation for the master’s project on April 16, 2009. TCC Worldwide Online Conference: http://www.learningtimes.net/tcc/The purpose of this project was to gauge a music population’s awareness of music tools or applications on handhelds which could be useful for music education, and also to gauge what kind of instructive information about the use of such tools or applications could be useful for this group. A questionnaire for volunteer participants was employed. Also some participants were interviewed. After that, a needs assessment was constructed to investigate the participants’ needs. The study found that approximately 52 % of the participants responded that they had heard about such music tools or programs on handhelds which could be useful for music education, and about 29 % of the participants responded that they had used such tools or programs. About 76% of the participants were positive in responding that they thought music related tools or programs on handhelds helped them learn music.12 pagesenCopyright is held by the author, Yuki Horikiri. If you would like to use the materials, please contact the author. horikiri@hawaii.edu; yuki_horikiri@hotmail.commusicmusic educationmobilehandheldshandhelds technologymusic applicationsmusic programsmusic toolsMusic -- Instruction and studyMusicNeeds assessmentEducational technologyHandhelds for Music EducationConference Paper