Reid, Lawrence A.2014-05-072014-05-072009Reid, Lawrence. "'A Grammar of Mantauran (Rukai)," Elizabeth Zeitoun. Taipei: Institute of Linguistics, Academic Sinica. Language and Linguistics Monograph Series A4-2. Oceanic Linguistics 48, no. 1 (2009): 299-304. Mantauran is one of the six dialects of the Formosan language Rukai, spoken in the south central region of Taiwan. It is spoken by only 250–300 people and is highly endangered, with only a few elderly speakers still fluent. This alone is reason enough to document the language that in a generation or so will probably no longer be spoken. But Rukai is unique in that it apparently exhibits an accusative case-marking system, while most other Formosan languages are arguably ergative, and it does not exhibit the widespread “focus” system characteristic of the so-called “Philippine-type” languages of Taiwan, such as Amis, Kavalan, Bunun, Thao, and Atayal.7 pagesTaiwan--LanguagesGrammar, Comparative and general"A Grammar of Mantauran (Rukai) by Elizabeth Zeitoun": A ReviewOther