Wang, George Chun Han2013-08-162013-08-162013-04Wang, G. C. H. (2013). Reading King Hu: A Note on His Literary Style. In Garcia, R., & Wang, G. C. H. (Eds.) King Hu in His Own Words (pp. 19-21). Udine: Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche.978-88-89887-13-4 introduction to "King Hu in His Own Words," the first publication of the writings of King Hu in English. Roger Garcia, editor; George Chun Han Wang, co-editor; Chanel Kong, associate editor; Law Kar, consultant editor.This article introduces King Hu's literary styles to the English-reading public unfamiliar with his writings in Chinese. Aside from being a celebrated filmmaker, King Hu was also known to be a productive writer-essayist in his time. From his early days at Shaw Brothers, to the final “quiet” years in Southern California, he wrote more than one hundred short articles, authored a book on Lao She, and began writing a memoir that remains unfinished. For the first time in English, "King Hu in His Own Words" collects and translates a selection of King Hu's writings, presents the major director's reflections on filmmaking, the vicissitudes of life, Chinese history, philosophy and religion.3en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesKing HuHong Kong cinemaChinese cinemaTaiwan CinemaHu JinquanKing Hu in His Own WordsMotion Pictures--Taiwan.Motion Pictures--Hong Kong.Reading King Hu: A Note on His Literary StyleArticle