Babcock, Roger Jr.2013-07-022013-07-022011Babcock, R. 2011. University of Hawaii at Manoa water sustainability studies: UH Manoa campus in-building water conservation study. Honolulu (HI): Water Resources Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa. WRRC-2013-03. Jayson Tasaka, Krishna Lamichhane, Yanling Li, Kristen Au On cover: Technical Memorandum #2A water fixture survey was conducted on the University of Hawaii Manoa (UHM) campus in which the number of toilets, urinals, faucets, and showerheads in each building were counted. The total number of fixtures and the number of retrofittable fixture units were documented in the prioritization report of surveyed water fixtures prepared by Honeywell DMC Services, LLC in 2004. According to the prioritization report, only 4,830 water fixtures out of the 7,632 surveyed can technically and economically be retrofitted. The 4,830 retrofittable fixtures include 2,149 toilets, 265 urinals, 1,614 faucets, and 802 showerheads. Toilets and showerheads appear to constitute the greatest retrofit opportunity. Many of the urinals on the UHM campus were previously retrofitted with low-flow flush systems. A majority of the faucets on campus would require a relatively expensive entire system replacement leading to an un-economical, excessive payback period.20 pagesen-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United StatesPlumbing fixtures.Water conservation -- Hawaii -- Honolulu.Public buildings -- Water-supply -- Management.University of Hawaii at Manoa.University of Hawaii at Manoa Water Sustainability Studies: UH Manoa Campus In-Building Water Conservation StudyReport