Lhawa, Yulha2019-10-052019-10-052019-10Lhawa, Yulha. 2019. Language revitalization, video, and mobile social media: A case study from the Khroskyabs language amongst Tibetans in China. Language Documentation & Conservation 13: 564-579.1934-5275http://hdl.handle.net/10125/24902Technology is by no means the most important channel to maintain a language, but it is an effective mode to communicate and interact using the language. As the lives of Khroskyabs speakers continue to be modernized, fewer and fewer aspects of those lives will take place in Khroskyabs. Furthermore, Khroskyabs speakers tend to express negative attitudes towards their language, especially in comparison to the dominant national language – Mandarin – and the local prestige language – Tibetan. The Mothertongue Film on Mobile Social Media project aims to expand the Khroskyabs language into a new domain amongst its speakers by creating a series of videos in the language and sharing them on social media-WeChat. The emerging use of social media such as WeChat provides a platform for language use in the contemporary context for unrecognized and under-resourced languages like Khroskyabs. This project aimed to address these issues, of domain exclusion and negative attitudes, through the production of mobile digital media that can be freely and conveniently shared via the social media platform WeChat for consumption of people in the Khroskyabs-speaking community.16 pagesen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United StatesKhroskyabsTibetlanguage revitalizationWeChatTechnologylanguage attitudesLanguage revitalization, video, and mobile social media: A case study from the Khroskyabs language amongst Tibetans in ChinaArticle