Nelson, Scot2009-09-162009-09-162005-07Nelson S. 2005. Integrated pest management for 'awa (Piper methysticum). Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 12 p. (Plant Disease; PD-28). with kava production in Hawaii include kava dieback viral disease, Pythium root rot, root-knot nematode, Phoma shot hole, melon aphids, node rot, weeds, and various other pests are described. Recommended IPM and best management strategies are given.12 pagesen-USkavaPiper methysticumroot-knot nematodesMeloidogyne incognitaPhomaPythium splendenssigns and symptoms (plants)integrated pest managementHawaiiIntegrated Pest Management for 'Awa (Piper methysticum)Article