Mosel, Ulrike2012-07-052012-07-052012-08Mosel, Ulrike. 2012. Creating educational materials in language documentation projects – creating innovative resources for linguistic research. In Frank Seifart, Geoffrey Haig, Nikolaus P. Himmelmann, Dagmar Jung, Anna Margetts, and Paul Trilsbeek (eds). 2012. Potentials of Language Documentation: Methods, Analyses, and Utilization. 118-125. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press.978-0-9856211-0-0 its first two sections this paper briefly discusses two models of language documentation projects: the hierarchical model, in which the language documentation corpus (LDC) serves as a resource for the development of educational materials (EMs), and the integrative model, which integrates the production of EMs into the LDC and makes them a resource for linguistic research. The third and the fourth section describe how the integrative model was applied in the Teop Language Documentation Project and what kind of linguistic research topics it provides.Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike LicenseCreating educational materials in language documentation projects – creating innovative resources for linguistic research