Tanaka, NozomiO'Grady,WilliamDeen,KamilKim,Chae-EunHattori,RyokoBondoc, Ivan Paul M.Soriano, Jennifer U.2016-07-192016-07-192016-05-14http://hdl.handle.net/10125/42193These PowerPoint files help you conduct an elicited production task (picture description task) of subject and object relative clauses. The experiment uses the same set of pictures as NT1-001.pdf, but it additionally includes timed animation and audio files. You are allowed to modify the audio prompts and pictures to match your needs (e.g., cultural appropriateness). However, if you use this material, please cite the following reference: Tanaka, Nozomi, William O’Grady, Kamil Deen, Chae-Eun Kim, Ryoko Hattori, Ivan Paul M. Bondoc, and Jennifer U. Soriano. (2016). “Relative clause elicited production task.” Nozomi Tanaka Collection. Kaipuleohone: http://scholarspace.manoa.hawaii.edu/handle/10125/4250. Type: language description. Media: image, audio. Access: public. Resource ID: NT1-002. (Accessed Date). If you have any question/request, please feel free to contact Nozomi Tanaka at tanakan@indiana.edu.PowerPoint slides67 slideszxxRelative clause production experimentTextzxxNo language