Szyper, James P.Hirota, JedCaperon, JohnZiemann, David A.2008-04-112008-04-111976-10Szyper JP, Hirota J, Caperon J, Ziemann DA. 1976. Nutrient regeneration by the larger net zooplankton in the southern basin of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands. Pac Sci 30(4): 363-372.0030-8870 experiments were performed during February 1974 with mixed zooplankton collected with .33-mm mesh in the southern basin of Kaneohe Bay. The mean specific excretion rates multiplied by the estimated average standing stocks of the animals gave estimates of addition to the bay waters of ammonia, phosphate, dissolved organic nitrogen, and dissolved organic phosphorus of 38.6,4.0,23.7, and 3.2 ng-at/liter/day, respectively. The specific excretion rates were not significantly affected by the concentrations of animals in experimental vessels, by the estimated concentrations of food in the environment on the days of the experiments, nor by incubation periods of up to 4.5 hours. The rates are comparable to those obtained from zooplankton of this general size in environments that have rather different temperature and food levels, indicating that size-dependent metabolic rates are the major determinant of specific excretion rates, although feeding and temperature can affect the results of experiments. Two collecting devices, a conical net and a purse seine made of the same plankton mesh, were used to assess possible effects of capture on the results. The animals from the net hauls excreted phosphate more slowly and dissolved organic nitrogen more rapidly than did those from the seine catches, possibly as a result of the greater initial crowding of animals in the cod-end jar of the towed net. There was no evidence that animals were damaged by collection and no observable effect of initial shock. Although principally carnivorous, the animals in these experiments (60 to 70 percent Sagitta) processed dietary nitrogen and phosphorus in a way similar to that of the mainly herbivorous Calanus: they constructed body tissue that was richer in nitrogen relative to phosphorus than was their food and they excreted solutes that were relatively poorer in nitrogen than was their food.en-USNutrient Regeneration by the Larger Net Zooplankton in the Southern Basin of Kaneohe Bay, Oahu, Hawaiian IslandsArticle