Andrews, JRHGibbs, G.W.2008-04-132008-04-131989-01Andrews JRH, Gibbs GW. 1989. The first New Zealand insects collected on Cook's endeavour voyage. Pac Sci 43(1): 102-114.0030-8870 Banks collection of 40 insect species, described by J. C. Fabricius in 1775, is critically examined to explore the possible methods of collection and to document changes to the insect fauna and to the original collection localities since 1769. The assemblage of species is regarded as unusual. It includes insects that are large and colorful as well as those that are small and cryptic; some species that were probably common were overlooked, but others that are today rare were taken. It is concluded that the Cook naturalists caught about 15 species with a butterfly net, but that the majority (all Coleoptera) were discovered in conjunction with other biological specimens, especially plants. Possible reasons for the omission of wetas, stick insects, etc., are discussed. This early collection shows that marked changes in abundance may have occurred in some species since European colonization. One new record is revealed: The cicada Notopsalta sericea (Walker) was found to be among the Fabricius specimens from New Zealand, but its description evidently had been overlooked.en-USThe First New Zealand Insects Collected on Cook's Endeavour VoyageArticle