Neto, Benedito MedeirosIshikawa, EdisonGhinea, GeorgeGrønli, Tor-Morten2019-01-032019-01-032019-01-08978-0-9981331-2-6 consumers are changing their way of accessing and interacting with news content, of which they are now prosumers (combined producers and consumers). Consequently, communication organizations are facing great challenges posed by the decrease of paying readers and the competition imposed by emergent technologies that allow new forms to produce and disseminate news. To understand the role of the journalists and their managers in this challenge, we investigate how top news organizations are tackling this crisis. The results of this research, of a qualitative and exploratory nature, led us to propose a framework - Newsroom 3.0 - of a collaborative environment to support the production of news in an integrated, convergent and cybernetic newsroom. Newsroom 3.0 will provide support to the work of interdisciplinary teams, in respect of the coordination of the activities developed, as well as the cooperative production of content and communication between newsroom professionals and news prosumers.10 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDigital and Social Media in EnterpriseDigital and Social MediaFramework, Media, News, Newsroom, Semantic webNewsroom 3.0: Managing Technological and Media Convergence in Contemporary NewsroomsConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2019.290