2016-02-182016-02-182015-01-29http://hdl.handle.net/10125/38959Genre: Fairy tale. Title: Naka lama (Steal rice). A mysterious long-bearded man steals a bag of rice from two kids. Later they trick him, and pull his beard, and can get anything they want. Fabel told by Magdalena Lue in front of her house in Lei 29 Jan 2015 in the late afternoon. A rather spontaneaous recording done with the H4N Zoom only because of the situation, spontaneous and sitting outside with a small audience. With the grandchildren and Intan and Dewi (c. 11-12 years old) who told one tale each. Portrait, also in SD1-055.digital wav file recorded at 48 khz/24 biteaf filephoto jpeg file0:03:32pleSD1-056SoundpleSara Lu'a