University of Hawai'i at Mānoa2016-09-082016-09-082010 Colleps, Donovan. Assistant Editor: Callahan, Jane. Poetry Editor: Gusman, Jaimie. Copy Editors: Kanai, Maria and Inouye, Kelsey. Contents: Boyle, Kathleen - "The Raid." Cotter, Craig - "A True Account of Talking to Marlon Brando." Evason, Greg - "Listening to Heads and Studying the Effects." Jaeger, Lowell - "Clay Bodies." McKernan, John - "Won't" and "Hollywood." Sacksteder, Joseph - "Mangroves of the Sierpe." Siddiqui, Faisal - "A Short History of Karachi." Sunouchi, Jade - "#5," "#8," "#9," and "#17." Wagoner, David - "Starting Again" and "The Table of Contents." Yeryomin, Mikhail (translated by J. Kates) - "There," "Shadows Plough Fallen Eyelashes," "The Cow Cuddled the Calf," "A Cannonade Shout Out Underfoot Like a Deck," "An Elk Lifts a Cross of Branching Antlers," and "Animals Put on Their Shoes in Snowy Tracks." Asaph, Philip - "Us." Coleman, Dr. Paul - "Light and Shadow: An Interview." DeBon, John - "Bait and Switch. Forman, Peter - "Aloha 243." Winfield Knight, Arthur - "The Starlite Cafe." Kuhio, D. - "The Noble Savages." Lee, Monica Keawe Kalukini - "Dass Why Hahd." Low, Christina - "Poor Me." Tonouchi, Lee A. - "Papa Claus." Contributors.160 pagesen-USUniversity of Hawaiiʻi at Manoa--Literary JournalsHawai'i Review, Number 73Journal