Rowland, PamPodhradsky, AshleyPlucker, Shephanie2017-12-282017-12-282018-01-03978-0-9981331-1-9 are challenging problems to solve in cybersecurity. We must engage women as an untapped resource in our national effort to protect our country and critical infrastructure. Developing original ways to engage young women serves to address this recognized national need for recruitment through security education at the K-12 and undergraduate level. This would further address the widening gap between the availability and demand for qualified and diverse security professionals. Designing security iterations that are creative, socially relevant, and accessible to an underrepresented population in cybersecurity is a challenge that informs how education and outreach can be performed within other contexts. This research will discuss the CybHER model for engaging and supporting young women in cybersecurity while anchoring them to this field. By providing 5 different interventions, CybHER seeks to empower, motivate, educate, and anchor girls to cybersecurity. Further, existing CybHER outreach activities and lessons will be discussed.9 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalInnovative Behavioral IS Security and Privacy Researchcybersecurity, design science, education, gender gap, outreach, retention, social media,CybHER: A Method for Empowering, Motivating, Educating and Anchoring Girls to a Cybersecurity Career PathConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2018.470