Rosing, Wayne C.Mitchell, David W.Moreno, GabrielStephenson, Steven L.2013-08-102013-08-102011-07Rosing W, Mitchell D, Moreno G, Stephenson S. Additions to the Myxomycetes of Singapore. Pac Sci 65(3): 391-400.0030-8870 ill. 23 cm.Also available through BioOne: of Southeast Asia remains understudied for myxomycetes ( plasmodial slime molds or myxogastrids). This survey of myxomycetes was carried out at 12 study sites throughout Singapore during March 2009. Sporocarps that developed in moist-chamber cultures of bark, forest floor litter, and aerial litter were used to supplement field collections. In addition, a series of samples of various types of plant litter collected from one other study site during the summer of 2004 was processed for myxomycetes. Collectively, these efforts yielded 76 species of myxomycetes in 26 genera. Thirty-six species are new records for Singapore. The latter includes two previously unpublished records along with one collection of Didymium and one collection of Trichia that could not be assigned to any known species.11 pagesNatural history--Periodicals.Science--PeriodicalsNatural history--Pacific Area--Periodicals.Additions to the Myxomycetes of SingaporeArticle