Huck-Fries, VeronikaSpitzer, Rosa2021-12-242021-12-242022-01-04978-0-9981331-5-7 information systems development (ISD) has become a popular way to manage IT projects. One of the key claims of agile ISD is to increase employees’ work outcomes, such as job satisfaction. However, the research landscape is heterogenous and lacks of a comprehensive overview. In this research, we set out to analyze and synthesize the current state of research on agile ISD and work outcomes by a systematic literature review. Overall, we found a trend of a positive relationship of agile ISD on work outcomes, although there is a variety of constructs that influence this relationship. We propose four directions for future research: perceptions of work, extended quantitative findings, multi-level effects and IT project success.10 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAgile and Lean: Organizations, Products and Developmentagile information systems developmentit project managementjob satisfactionwork outcomesWhy apply agile? - A literature review on work outcomes in agile information systems developmenttext10.24251/HICSS.2022.884