Mononen, JukkaHäyrynen, EijaHalonen, Raija2017-12-282017-12-282018-01-03978-0-9981331-1-9 objective of this study was to analyze the full-time careers of 21 highly educated persons with a physical and/or sensory disability (PWD). We focused on factors in the early phases of the PWD’s careers after graduation, as well as their work orientations within the information and communication technology (ICT) sector. Data were gathered using semi-structured interviews. In this qualitative research, inductive content analysis was used. The study revealed the importance of two types of competence: the ability to create networks and technical expertise at the beginning of one’s career. We also classified five work orientations: novice, technical, research, management, and entrepreneur. Difficulties relat¬ed to disability or gender made no difference in these orientations.10 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalSocial-Technical Issues in Organizational Information Technologiescompetences, employment, factors, higher education, ICT professional, people with disabilities (PWD), work orientationsWhen Competence Matters - Professionals with Disabilities in the ICT SectorConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2018.638