Seeber, IsabellaBittner, EvaBriggs, Robert Vreede, Gert-Jande Vreede, TriparnaDruckenmiller, DougMaier, RonaldMerz, Alexander B.Oeste-Reiß, SarahRandrup, NilsSchwabe, GerhardSöllner, Matthias2017-12-282017-12-282018-01-03978-0-9981331-1-9 will soon need to adapt to a collaborative setting in which technology becomes a smart collaboration partner that works with a group to achieve its goals. It is therefore time for collaboration researchers to explore the vast opportunities afforded by smart technology and to test its utility for enhancing team processes and outcomes. In this paper, we take a long view on the implications of smart technology for collaboration process design, and propose a research agenda for the next decade of collaboration research. We create a reference model to frame the research agenda.10 pagesengAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalProcesses and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaborationartificial intelligence, collaboration, collaboration engineering, research agenda, robotsMachines as Teammates: A Collaboration Research AgendaConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2018.055