Noe, JoyceMead III, Richard2017-05-042017-05-042014-05 of the greatest issues that people are facing in Hawai‘i today is the high cost of living and finding an affordable place to call home is becoming increasingly difficult. Hawai‘i, unlike many places, has an environment conducive of outdoor lifestyle year round, which makes it such a desirable place to live. Because it is warm year round, homes need to be insulated properly in order to provide comfortable living conditions. By taking advantage of the unique climates here in Hawai‘i, growing plants and vegetables on the walls of a home could replace the need for traditional insulation and replace it with a sustainable alternative. This Doctorate Project will utilize this unique climate, exploring alternative methods of insulation by using living walls and aquaponic systems to benefit the transformation of shipping containers into livable spaces.135 pagesengTransforming Shipping Containers into Livable Spaces: Replacing Traditional Insulation with Living WallsDoctorate Project