Ung, Baohuy2011-05-142011-05-142011-05-13http://hdl.handle.net/10125/20015An implicit recommendation system for the APAN website is being designed as a term project by an ICS616 Information Architecture group. To make it accurate, users are required to enter in accurate profile information. As it stands profiles are all text boxes with no limitation for input. The proposed test will examine users as they go through the process of filling out a user profiles. For profiles, we want to test if given the current labels and the free form text input, are users able to enter valid data that can be used for recommendations or will there be too much variety.5 pagesen-USusabilityuser interfaceUser interfaces (Computer systems) -- TestingWeb sites -- DesignAPAN User Profile Usability TestReportAttribution Non-Commercial Share Alikeby-nc-d-sa