University of Hawai'i at Mānoa2016-06-212016-06-211973 Naone, Dana. Fiction Editor: Dawson, Kapono. Poetry Editor: Mahony, Nengin. Manager: Lamansky, Bob. Editorial Assistants: Allen, Damaris, McIver, Dudley, and Pickard, Alan. Advisory board: Baber, Asa and Nelson, Peter. Article: Hyde, Lewis - "When Fish Dissolve in Light." Poetry - Aleizandre, Vicente - "Fourteen Poems: Translated by Timothy Baland, Robert Bly, and Lewis Hyde." Voznesensky, Andrei - "Two Poems: Translated by Robert Bly and Vera Dunham." Gonzalez, Raphael Jesus - "Windsong For Prince Henryʻs Daughter." Norman, Howard Allan - "Five Translations From the Creole." Unterecker, John - "Night Letter." Nakamura, Mari - "Three Poems." Yoshikawa, Harold - "Five Poems." Storm, Jim - "Falling Asleep." Logan, John - "Poem For My Friend Peter at Piʻihana" Fiction: Ford, Richard - "A Rummage Through the Coracles." Nakamura, Mari - "The Eel-Wife." Uda, Lowell - "A Hawaiian Tale and a Maori Tale." Coggshall, Gene - "Night." Review: "Stitt, Peter - "Robert Bly and James Wright." Notes.97 pagesen-USLiterary JournalUniversity of Hawaiiʻi at Manoa--Literary JournalsHawaiʻi Review, Volume 2, Number 1Journal