2018-02-022018-02-021946http://hdl.handle.net/10125/54597File name, photos description and if available in parenthesis are captions as provided in handwriting by James E. Haynes. (1) “haynesfriends.png” – Haynes, Nakae, and Others (2) “building.png” – Apartment Buildings in Omotesando, Tokyo (3) “child.png” – Toddler with Caretaker (4) “youngladies.png” – Nakae Mitsuo (middle) (5) “kids.png” – Children dressed for chilly weather (6) “mountain.png” – Mt. Fuji (7) “Kyoto” – Outside the Kyoto Train Station (8) “snowymountains.png” – Snowy Mountains (9) “roadway.png”The Center for Japanese Studies received a generous donation of personal photographs from Master Sergeant James E. Haynes on December 11, 2011. James Edward Haynes (July 12, 1929-October 16, 2012) was born in Chicago and entered into the U.S. Army at the age of 17. He was sent to Tokyo, Japan as part of the U.S. Occupation Force in October 1946. While in Japan, Sergeant Haynes worked as a hotel steward and a cook. He met his future wife, Nakae Matsuo, in Tokyo. They left Japan and went to Camp Crowder, Missouri in 1951. They had three daughters together. The photos in this collection date from the period between 1946 and 1950. Sgt. Haynes took photographs of his friends, as well as the people, events, and places around him. His collection documents the life of a young soldier in Japan. It offers an unprofessional, but often warm and endearing perspective on (military) life in postwar Japan. Below is a transcription of a letter from Sgt. Haynes detailing his life in Japan.en-USNo permission is necessary if photos are used for non-commercial educational purposes such as use of the photos in class lectures, students’ presentations, and academic conference presentations. Please credit the photos with the sentence: “From the James E. Haynes Japan Photo Collection, courtesy of the Center for Japanese Studies, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.” However if the photos are planned to be used in books, newspapers, documentaries, films, or other forms of media and print, the users must fill out a request form and submit it to the Center for Japanese Studies to request permission. Send inquiries or requests to: James E. Haynes Photo Collection Center for Japanese Studies, Moore 216 University of Hawaii Honolulu, HI 96822 tel. 808-956-2664 fax 808-956-2666 email: cjs@hawaii.eduIn JapanImage