Skolmen, Roger G.2008-10-142008-10-142000-06Skolmen RG. 2000. Some woods of Hawaii: properties and uses of 16 commercial species. Honolulu (HI): University of Hawaii. 33 p. (Resource Managment; RM-7). is given for 16 Hawaii-grown species, both native and introduced, of present or potential commercial importance. Descriptive notes include tree characteristics, history, size, and growth rates; the timber volume available in Hawaii; and accessibility for logging. Wood properties, including appearance, weight, shrinkage, strength, workability, seasoning, durability, and finishing, are explained with reference to well-known woods, and present and potential uses are described. An appendix includes technical data. Each species is illustrated in color.33 pagesen-USHawaiisilviculturetropical woodwood propertiesSome Woods of Hawaii: Properties and Uses of 16 Commercial Species.Other