Huber, John T.Beardsley, John W.2009-05-232009-05-232000-05Huber JT, Beardsley JW. 2000. A new genus of fairyfly, Kikiki, from the Hawaiian Islands (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). Proc Hawaiian Entomol Soc 34:65–70.0073-134X new genus of Mymaridae, Kikiki Huber and Beardsley, is described from the Hawaiian Islands and characterized by the following diagnostic combination: body length at most about 300 µm; female antenna with four funicle and two claval segments; forewing venation about 0.7 times wing length; and tarsi apparently three–segmented, with a long pretarsus. The type species, Kikiki huna Huber (type locality: Mapulehu near Ililiopae Heiau, Molokai I.), is described from eight slide mounted females. Generic relationships of Kikiki are briefly discussed.6 pagesen-USanatomy and morphologyHawaiiKikikiKikiki hunaMymaridaenew genusnew speciestaxonomyA New Genus of Fairyfly, Kikiki, from the Hawaiian Islands (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae)Article