Seyfeddinipur, MandanaRau, Felix2020-09-092020-09-092020-09Seyfeddinipur, Mandana & Felix Rau. 2020. Keeping it real: Video data in language documentation and language archiving. Language Documentation & Conservation 14: 503-519.1934-5275 with video data is on its way to becoming standard practice in language documentation. However, documenters looking on the web for guidance on standards and best practices for archiving audio-visual data encounter a vast and potentially confusing diversity of information. Unfortunately, a lot of information on archiving video is concerned with digitized film stock and not with the type of video data produced in language documentation. This paper presents relevant standards and established community best practices in a short and realistic manner, pledging to keep things real.17 pagesen-USCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 InternationalAttribution-NonCommercial 3.0 United Statesaudio-visual databest practicesvideoarchivingKeeping it real: Video data in language documentation and language archivingArticle