Johnston, EmilySherwood, Alison2016-12-212016-12-212016 database was created for taxonomy assignment of UPA and LSU amplicon sequences generated in metabarcoding studies. It is specifically intended for phycological and plant biology/botany research and the taxonomy reflects that (see the ReadMe.txt file for more details). However, researchers in other fields are invited to use it and modify it for their needs. It contains three files: a Read Me file with more details about the creation and using the database; a reference sequence file with 97,194 sequences; and a taxonomy file.1 databaseen-USampliconmetabarcodingsequence databaseUPAUniversal Plastid AmpliconLSULarge Subunit23S28SrDNAribosomal DNAphycologyplant biologybotanymicrobial ecologySherwood Lab UPA/LSU Database v. 0.01.1Dataset