Sutherland, WillNeang, AndrewLee, Charlotte2024-12-262024-12-262025-01-07978-0-9981331-8-8e32535e4-ad86-4109-8c86-8ce902ab5b26 of research software development have focused on how to promote or encourage the adoption of software engineering practices, but we do not have a good empirical understanding of strategies that researchers have already begun to take in order to integrate those practices into research work in sustainable ways. We conduct a comparative case study of two research groups in different fields, and characterize two approaches that they have taken to get research software engineering work done: practice integration and differentiating expertise. From these findings we argue that examining outcomes of change in research software development practice is critical for understanding sustainability and the ramifications of such changes for scientific work.10Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalSoftware Sustainability: Research on Usability, Maintainability, and Reproducibilityadoption, research software engineering, scientific software, sustainabilityMaking Software Work Sustainable for the Academic Research Group: a Comparative Case StudyConference Paper10.24251/HICSS.2025.880