Vong, Chankanitha2016-02-192016-02-192012-08http://hdl.handle.net/10125/101040M.P.A. University of Hawaii at Manoa 2012.Includes bibliographical references.The purpose of this study is to discover how traditional values, based on the Cambodian women's code of conduct--Chbap Srey (1959), are related to Cambodians' attitudes toward contemporary policies made to equalize gender in politics and gender equality in general. Ideas of gender roles in governance are significantly different from culture to culture. Incompatibility may occur when foreign concepts such as gender equality are implemented in Cambodia, especially at the grassroots level. A survey of college students was conducted to examine the relationships between traditional values and attitudes about women in politics. The findings suggest that New Cambodian women can both follow the code and make good policy.engCambodiatraditional valueswomen in politicsThe relationship between traditional Cambodian values and women in politics (WIP)Thesis